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Amazon Smile- Support Jefferson Elementary


PTA Meetings
Angela Burns

Jefferson Elementary PTA meetings:

Tuesday, April 3 at 6:00pm
Tuesday, May 1 at 6:00pm

Jefferson welcomes you to join us each month for our PTA meetings in the school Innovation Commons / Computer Lab.

Meeting time and dates are TBD.


Amazon Smile- Support Jefferson Elementary
Angela Burns

Amazon Smile - Support Jefferson Elementary

Did you know that you can help support the Jefferson Elementary PTA when shopping on Amazon? Just click the Amazon Smile icon to set Jefferson as the charity that you want to support and then just shop as you normally would.

Amazon Smile- Support Jefferson Elementary

Amazon Smile - Support Jefferson Elementary

Did you know that you can help support the Jefferson Elementary PTA when shopping on Amazon? Just click the Amazon Smile icon to set Jefferson as the charity that you want to support and then just shop as you normally would.
